Thursday, July 22, 2010


As everyone probably knows, Ravana, the king of Demons and the ruler of Lanka was very learned and knew the shashtras well. Through his knowledge of the Heavenly Bodies (Stars), he was able to predict the movement of the grahas. It was through this extraordinary vision that he had envisioned that most of the planets were in the House of Gains (11th house) during his son, Indrajeet’s birth. However, it was Lord Saturn who was moving into the 12th house (House of Losses). Ravana, the genius noticed this and tried to constrain Saturn’s movement into the 12th house. Saturn was stopped just in between the 11th and 12th houses. Ravana’s son went on winning the three lokas for his father and even subdued Indra, the lord of the devas. However, the gaze of Lord Saturn on the 12th house was enough to get him defeated at the hands of Lord Lakshman, the younger brother of Lord Rama (the avatar of God Vishnu).

The power of Lord Saturn (Shani Deva), the greatest teacher in the world, should not be underestimated and he is the one who keeps tabs on individuals from one birth to another.

Another tale has that Lord Shani had been imprisoned by Ravana in Lanka. When Lord Hanuman was burning Lanka, he came across Lord Saturn (Shani Dev) who requested to be freed from the clutches of Ravana. Lord Hanuman obliged but on the condition that Lord Shani (Saturn) wouldn’t trouble his devotees and disciples. Lord Shani (Saturn) promised that he would never trouble any of Lord Hanuman’s devotees.

Centuries later, there is a popular belief that praying to Lord Hanuman pleases Lord Saturn (Shani Deva)

1 comment:

  1. This is wrong saying ravana was the king of demons, demons contrast of angels are the creation of the devil to influence man to temptation. No such demon could even come near ravana coz of his devotion for Shivji. Ravana was the most powerful of Rakshisas, but the are not demons. For Lord Shiva is impartial to man and Rakhis and devta, whoever worships him obtains all boons.
