Considering the way things stand in Bihar especially with respect to the debate around the "Bataidari Kanoon" and the doubt within the landed castes (both the so-called upper castes and the powerful “middle” castes and the famed “OBC” castes) of Bihar regarding the intentions of the Bihar Government, it is very much necessary to analyze the horoscope of the CEO of the state of Bihar.
A person who is born in the human race should be thankful to God for his life in this “Yoni”. A person should not think that he is more powerful than God himself nor should he be so arrogant that he is blinded by the same. “Thou shall pay for your sins and thou shall also get credit for your righteousness.”
The present CEO of Bihar was born on 1st March 1951 at Bakhtiarpur in Bihar. At the time of his birth Gemini lagna (Ascendant) was rising on the eastern horizon and the planetary configuration was as such Ketu – Leo, Saturn – Virgo, Moon – Scorpio, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu – Aquarius and Venus, Mars in Pisces.
Ascendant Lord in the 9th house (House of Dharma): The Ascendant lord is favorably placed in the house of fortune, religion. Normally, such a combination would result in the native becoming a university professor. However, the ascendant is associated with Sun - the political planet, Jupiter – the planet of wisdom and leadership and Rahu – the mysterious “taboo breaker”. So, the native dumped his career and joined politics with JP and did everything to go up the political ladder. However, Rahu made him take up some strong views on “caste” and “religion”. The leadership style made the native more associated with casteist politics with the native organizing caste rallies and then even coming up with identifying newer castes within various social groups. Rahu made the native reach across to various “dalit” and “backward” Muslims, thus trying to break “caste” barriers but in the event trying to create a new social order.
The 2nd lord (rules over hoarded wealth, family), Moon is a neecha in the 6th house (house of enemies, debts, diseases). However, Moon gives “Neechabhanga Raja yoga” The 6th house also indicates career progression. The native used his wealth – self-made, inherited, literary and communicative to basically enhance his career (politics) at the cost of his opponents. However, the placement in the 6th house also impacted the family.
Ketu in the 3rd house made the native brave and gave leadership position. Because of his bravery, the native could undertake “padyatras” and confidently go to the masses. However, Ketu makes the native detached from siblings as well as "team mates". This was evident as the native repeatedly broke away from his political friends from the Mandal as well as post-Mandal era. The native does not get along with his siblings too. The native appears to be insecure and dissatisfied with any type of group work.
Meanwhile the 3rd lord (Sun) is in the 9th house (fortune, fame). The placement of the Sun there destroys the bhava (karako bhavo nasho) as well as its association with Rahu. This is not good for the father. The native would like to change rules with respect to religious – have a tendency to create one’s own sect or cult. Tries to behave as a preacher creating and identifying social sub-groups. The native would like to be transformative.
Saturn in the 4th house: As the 8th lord is in the 4th house, it leads to transformative self-destruction and re-birth in matters related to the home and property. The aspect of Mars on Saturn leads to lot of mental tension in the matters related to the home and property. The transformation over the "Agricultural Land" gets manifested when the Bihar Government tabled the Bataidari Bill in the State Legislature thus showing the suicidal nature as expressed by the 8th lord, Saturn in the native's horoscope. It could lead to reverses in profession (Politics) and displeasure from seniors (signifies elderly and also indicative of the Central Government). The 8th lord signifies hidden intentions - regeneration, rebirth but only after self-inflicted death or losses. Hope the situation (Civil War erupting between the landed and the tillers in Bihar does not happen and the conditions do not deteoriate so much that it warrants "President's rule" in the state.. Please understand that Saturn is capable of just doing the above.
However, Saturn is the 9th lord too and the native follows the principle of "work is worship". Again it is situated, 8th from the 9th house indicating hidden, transformative forces regarding the native's fate and religious outlook especially with regard to matters of the 4th house (namely Agricultural Land, Mother and Home) Saturn also receives the aspect of its bitter enemy, Mars (Lord of the 6th house which governs enemies) and 12th lord (governing losses) Venus which brings out losses and because of the “hidden” matters of the 4th house only results in rise of enemies. It leads to agony and mental tension. Native must be very careful regarding sensitive issues such as “Agricultural Land”. However, Venus is exalted and as 5th lord, might help cool things by influencing the native’s thoughts in a positive way.
The 4th lord, Mercury (rules over matters of the Land) is placed in the 9th house (House of Dharma) which is a good house but the association with Rahu, the mysterious planet made the native set up “Land commissions” resulting in creating “doubts” in the minds of the people of Bihar. Rahu creates such a perception in the native that it is the native’s dharma to suddenly start doing “Agricultural Reforms”, another taboo-breaker.
The 5th lord, Venus is exalted in the 10th house (career, profession) which gives Malviya Yoga thus giving him great name and fame and he went onto hold the highest office in Bihar. The 5th lord represents intellect and the native is gifted with high intellect. However, Venus is the 12th lord too and being in the 10th can lead to experience losses through official judgements. It can cause loss of physical vitality, through iconic leadership responsibilities and pursuit of public recognition. Venus serves as Lord of 12th and being exalted in the 10th makes the native function as a public icon that represents the fantasies and dreams of the collective unconscious.
Another important combination to be noticed is the placement of 6th lord, Mars in the 10th house. By itself Mars brings great leadership quality in the native but brings out imbalance and internal disagreements in leadership roles. The electorate, the plebian masses, the common people do not trust this native when one holds public office. Difficult position for career longevity. Prone to overthrow or brewing public suspicion. All this started with the “Bataidari Bill” which unnecessarily divided the native’s support base.One feels enslaved to the grinding duties of high office. May use exploitation through usury or police threats (as Lord of 6th is the aggressive Mars) in order to facilitate the execution of one's public responsibilities. This helped the native put in thousands of criminals behind bars. Because one becomes the iconic “face” of a dramatized social conflict, one may become disgraced as a leader, even if one is doing a good job in the role,The 7th lord (indicating spouse, partnerships), Jupiter is placed in the 9th house (fortune, fame) thus showering “lady luck” on the native. The spouse was a professional and always did her bit for the native till the last days of her life. The presence of Jupiter in the 9th gave a spouse who was simple and noble as the planet itself suggests, basically an educator.
The 10th lord (career), Jupiter is in the 9th house (fortune, fame) indicates that the native tends to carry out leadership responsibilities with meditative stability and receive public recognition for his knowledge. On would try to elevate the role of one’s roots and lineage values. That’s why we see the development of historical places in the state giving a boost to the State’s tourism industry. However, Jupiter in the 9th indicates that too much good is also not desired always and can result in setbacks too which the native is witnessing. Plus the 10th lord being in the 12th from the 10th house indicated not a stable profession and association with Sun; the political planet pushed the native into politics.
The 11th lord (house of gains) in the 10th house indicates loss of income due to career (politics) and also loss of friends due to his career and position. The native is lonely at the top. However, it brings commercial intelligence to administrative tasks, faced by the native and also creates sensitivity to the interconnectivity between the activities supervised by the native.
This is indicative of the thought and hard work put in for the state’s progress.This is an indication of how the gods (stars) have influenced the CEO of the State of Bihar’s personality, thoughts, attitude and servitude and this article is just passing the information to the people of Bihar, the representatives and the inteligentsia.
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